
An introduction to R


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Using software to analyze data is a sine qua non condition in modern research problems. As most of them are complex and are gather a large quantity of data, classical data analysis tools like Excel are inadequate. Even specialized statistical software like SPSS, Minitab, Stata or Statgraphics do not always include certain advanced statistical techniques. In those cases, the use of programming languages like R is unavoidable. R permits to go further in many analyses and offers a lot of possibilities to personalize all the plots and results, according to the user’s needs. It also offers many advantages when compared to other programming languages: 1) it is totally free and accessible to everyone; 2) it is open-source software that allows to use, study, edit, append, and distribute its source code to everyone; 3) it is object-oriented, based on symbolic containers (objects) that can store data, functions and a set of instructions; 4) it has a huge community with an incredible amount of resources that can solve any programming and statistical problem.

This workshop will introduce the use of R, to understand its basic operations and give the necessary foundations to continue your learning journey autonomously.

To register, please fill this form : Inscription form

Link to install R : Installation R

Link to install RStudio : Installation RSudio

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Précédentes éditions:

4 oct. 2022, 12:00 à 13:30
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Cette activité est en anglais
Serge Vicente, Ph.D Statistique
Professeur enseignant
Département des enseignements généraux, ÉTS
Statisticien consultant au BCS