Statistics refresher workshop winter 2025
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Workshop: Update and review your statistical concepts!
If you are a master's or doctoral student and you need to use statistics as part of your research project but you notice that your knowledge of statistics is insufficient or dates back too long, the office of statistical consultation is very pleased to offer you a new statistics refresher workshop.
The workshop is offered in small, restricted groups (maximum 10 people) to allow individualized support. The objective of this 10-hour workshop is to offer accelerated training to allow you to acquire a solid foundation of the most important statistical concepts in an engineering research project and to familiarize yourself with the use of statistical software.
Objective: to become familiar with the basic notions essential to undertaking a research project, as well as the use of statistical software.
Target audience: students who need statistics as part of their research project and who have not taken statistics courses in their career or for whom these notions go back a long way.
Duration: 10 hours at a rate of 2 hours per week
Costs: $500 per student.
Number of participants per group: between 5 and 10 (restricted groups to allow individualized support for participants).
Schedule for the group in English: Tuesdays from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. from February 11 to March 11, 2025
These times are subject to change depending on the preferences of registered participants.
Worshop content
Part one: what to do before proceeding with data analysis
- Planning the research steps
- Methodological choices (experimental plan, sampling method, sample size, etc.)
- Database organization
- Introduction to using statistical software - Statgraphics
- Complete portrait of our data: frequency tables, graphs and descriptive statistics
- Detection and processing of extreme data and missing data
- Verifications of the conditions of application of future analyzes (normality, symmetry, stability of variance, etc.)
Second part: we analyze the data, present and interpret the results
- General portrait of the different statistical approaches (contexts of use of statistical analyzes – when to do what)
- Concept of p‐value
- Some very useful statistical analyzes in engineering. For each of these analyses, assumptions to verify, use of StatGraphics to carry out the analysis, understand and interpret the results obtained by the software.
Les dates ne vous conviennent pas?
Si vous êtes intéressé-e à participer à cet atelier mais qu’il n’y a plus de place ou si le moment de la présentation ne vous convient pas, nous vous invitons à remplir ce formulaire et y spécifier vos disponibilités.
Précédentes éditions:
11 févr. 2025, 18:00 à 20:00 Will be communicated to you following your registration Cette activité est en anglais |
Serge Vicente, Ph.D Statistique Professeur enseignant Département des enseignements généraux, ÉTS Statisticien consultant au BCS |
Inscription |
7 oct. 2024, 18:00 à 20:00 Will be communicated to you following your registration Cette activité est en anglais |
Serge Vicente, Ph.D Statistique Professeur enseignant Département des enseignements généraux, ÉTS Statisticien consultant au BCS |
Inscription |